Got Space?

Got Space?

No seriously! One of the most expensive line items in any founder's budget is space. Physical space is expensive and not everyone in your learning community needs to meet in person. When you are looking for adding extra classrooms or perhaps a training space for your staff, you can create and build on proximity chat platforms.

Creating space is a bit like choosing a modular home. You can choose different sizes, layouts and styles, and the interactions (think appliances!) that you want to have in your space. You can dream about other spaces that would expand the possibilities for connection in your community. For example, you could add on a conference center or an art gallery, where you could host events.

The interactions you can have on these platforms mimic the interactions you have in the real world. Just like in real life you move around the campus and chat or play, or you can attend a class or do project based learning. As an adult you can attend professional development, network and attend conferences or host an exhibition. In the space, you can create your own micro society and fill it with the tools you need to create an extraordinary education and bustling community.

You can start with one of our purpose-built spaces, build your own configuration from our library, or have a unique space custom designed


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